Are PTMatic self-cleaning toilets safe?
Icon Chevron

Yes, PTMatic self-cleaning public toilets are safe because they are equipped with systems to detect people presence inside the toilet by a radar or by means of load cells, according to the model.The s...

Children may use self-cleaning toilets alone?
Icon Chevron

Definitely. The detection system with load cells installed in our PLUS® technology easily detects the weight of the user.When a child enters the toilet, the weight detected is lower than the one ...

What shall I do if I get sick in an automatic toilet?
Icon Chevron

Self-cleaning automatic toilets are equipped with red mushroom type emergency buttons, easy to find. It is enough to press them to open the door.If the person inside the toilet should faint and could ...

How does the maintenance of a PTMatic self-cleaning toilet work?
Icon Chevron

In order to keep our self-cleaning toilets efficient for a long time, we usually propose a maintenance contract.Our technicians will then intervene periodically to perform all necessary inspection pro...

Is a general cleaning by a janitor required?
Icon Chevron

An overall periodical cleaning performed by a janito is strictly recommended, according to the flow of users and the period in which the toilets are used.Our facilities carry out a thorough automatic ...

What is the lead time of PTMatic automatic toilets?
Icon Chevron

60 to 90 days, also according to the conditions of the installation site....

What is the guarantee term of PTMatic toilets?
Icon Chevron

PTMatic automatic toilets' guarantee covers the mechanical parts for two years and the monobloc for 10 years. A guarantee extension is available thanks to our “PTMaintenance” special pro...

Can the design of PTMatic self-cleaning toilets be customised?
Icon Chevron

Yes, the design of our self-cleaning toilets can be customised, in compliance with local architectural prescriptions.Several different external cladding types and finishing versions can be applied acc...

PTMatic technology separates liquids from solids?
Icon Chevron

That's not necessary because toilets are connected to the public sewerage....

Are PTMatic self-cleaning toilets compliant with sustainability principles?
Icon Chevron

Yes, we always follow the principles of sustainability in the building and operation of our toilets.We use long-lasting products, which do not wear out in the short term; the washing processes are cal...

Self-cleaning public toilets can be rented?
Icon Chevron

Self-cleaning toilets shall be installed on a “foundation”.The customer has therefore to perform building works creating a base to set the facility.All of this implies an economic and in...


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Toilitech is a brand of PTMatic srl

PTMatic S.r.l.

Indirizzo: Via Matteotti, 146/148
20008 Bareggio (MILANO – ITALY)
Telephone: +39 02 90390002
Email: info@ptmatic.it
PEC: ptmatic@legalmail.it

‍P. IVA : 07184370968
Registro Imprese: Cam. Comm. Milano, Monza Brianza, Lodi
REA: MI1941459
Capitale Sociale: 100.000,00€

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